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Reinassance 2

Co-funded by

Lead partner

Renaissance 2 – Civil society and institutions work together for the rights, care and social inclusion of people with mental illness in Burkina Faso – AID 012590/06/2.

This initiative is part of a program to promote mental health and the rights of people with mental illness that CVCS together with its partners started in 2018 in Burkina Faso.

The project intends to develop the strategy implemented with the project concluded in the year 2022 “Renaissance – Social reintegration paths for people with mental illness in Burkina Faso” AID – 011875 co-funded by AICS, and extend it to other areas of the country, strengthening health care for people with mental illness and their reintegration opportunities based on the intervention model of the main partner Association Saint Camille de Lellis of Bobo-Dioulasso (ASCL) which since 2014 has been running a center to welcome, treat and socially reintegrate wandering people with mental illness.

In Burkina Faso, people with mental illness suffer a strong social stigmatization: they are excluded at the family and social level as their condition is attributed to curses or spells and therefore often abandoned to themselves and in situations of vagrancy and extreme vulnerability.

Even at the health level, the phenomenon is neglected, due to a lack of specialized personnel and structures.

The project therefore includes 3 levels of intervention:

1. Strengthening of ASCL therapeutic centers and the skills of health personnel of public health services.

Support activities will be carried out to strengthen the two therapeutic centers of ASCL (Hauts Bassins region) and a more recent one in Ouagadougou (Centre region) through structural interventions such as the construction of a headquarters for the Ouagadougou center and an autonomous residence for patients of the Bobo-Dioulasso center and training activities for 50 health professionals centres to increase patients’ capacity for care and social reintegration. Thanks to these interventions, the therapeutic centers of ASCL will be able to welcome, treat and start social reintegration about 500 people in three years.

In addition, a basic training program on the diagnosis and management of people with mental illness will be carried out to improve the skills of 326 health workers (nurses and doctors) from over 100 health facilities in 9 districts of the Hauts Bassins and Centre regions and for 20 nursing students from the Ecole Nationale de Santé Publique.

2. Social and professional reintegration of people with mental illness.

We will work for the reintegration of patients with mental illness by contacting their families and involving them in training activities aimed at the reintegration of their family members.

The activity of ergotherapy and professional training of the ASCL therapeutic centers will also be developed  through the development of the agricultural activity of the CLER center of Doufiguisso where patients can spend periods learning to work in the agro-zootechnical sector. In addition, professional integration paths will be created  for stabilized patients.

3. Promotion of the rights of people with mental illness  and strengthening coordination and dialogue between CSOs operating in the field of mental health and institutions.

The project will strengthen the cooperation and coordination of civil society actors dealing with the rights and care of people with mental illness and will promote dialogue between them and institutions to address health and social issues in a participatory way.

Sessions and meetings will be held to inform and raise awareness of the population in the area, in villages and neighborhoods, in schools and with young people.



Association Saint Camille de Lellis – ASCL Burkina Faso

Secrétariat Exécutif diocésain de Bobo-Dioulasso de l’OCADES - Caritas Burkina Faso

AES-CCC ong - organismo di cooperazione internazionale - Italia

ASUGI – Azienda Sanitaria Universitaria Giuliano Isontina - Dipartimento di salute mentale - Italia

Università degli Studi di Torino - Centro di ricerca in Etnopsichiatria e Antropologia delle migrazioni (CREtAM) del Dipartimento di Culture Politica e Società (DCPS) - Italia



Co-funded by

Lead partner

Renaissance – Pathways for the social reintegration of people with mental illness in Burkina Faso – AID 011875

The Renaissance project involved the urban center and suburbs of Bobo-Dioulasso, the second largest city for inhabitants of Burkina Faso, and focused on promoting the rights of people with mental disorders.

Mental health is a very neglected area: people with mental illness are often stigmatized, marginalized, abandoned and imprisoned.

The project therefore wanted to achieve the following objectives:

  • Strengthen the  care model promoted by the partner Centre Espérance for the reception, treatment and socio-family reintegration of abandoned people with mental illness;
  • Improve the knowledge of the  local population about mental health through field research, training for families and young people for their participation in the management of the problem, community awareness.

The project ended in the year 2022.



Association Saint Camille de Lellis – ASCL del Burkina Faso

Centre Jigi Seme - Bobo Dioulasso - Burkina Faso

Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sourô Sanou - Bobo Dioulasso - Burkina Faso

OCADES - Caritas Burkina Faso

ASUGI – Azienda Sanitaria Universitaria Giuliano Isontina - Dipartimento di salute mentale - Italia

Università degli studi di Trieste - Italia



Co-funded by

Lead partner

Sentiers: Social inclusion paths for minors and young people in Côte d’Ivoire

The project is aimed at minors and young people in conditions of family, social and economic fragility and in conflict with the law of the Bouake and Daloa contexts, with the aim of facilitating their access to basic education, vocational training and educational paths for social reintegration.

The main activities carried out are:

  • support  for pre-school and primary training activities  for children from families in severe poverty;
  • educational programs for the positive social reintegration of minors and young people in conflict with the law or at risk of marginality and deviance;
  • professional training and  accompaniment in employment for young people in conflict with the law, young girls and young women in serious economic difficulty.


Association Notre Dame des Source - Bouaké - Ivory Coast

ONG Progres Universel - Djébonoua - Ivory Coast

Association des Soeurs de la Providence de Saint Gaetan - Abidjan - Ivory Coast

Centro di Volontariato Internazionale - CeVI - Italia

Solidarmondo per la cooperazione internazionale - Italia


Bien Vivre Chez Soi

Co-funded by

Lead partner

Bien vivre chez soi

The project “Bien vivre chez soi – Un avenir pour les jeunes et les familles ivoiriennes” intervenes in the Department of Bouakè, with activities in the Sub-Prefecture of Djébounua and in the Department of Daloa, in the urban context, for the prevention of risky migrations, in particular youth, activating local development processes.  

The territories of intervention are located in the regions that contribute most to poverty in the country, where young people are the dominant group but also the most fragile group, because they come from poor families, often single-parent, without basic education or excluded from vocational paths.

Some of these young people, non-existent for institutions, are attracted by crime which is often a means of raising money to migrate.

In the three years of the project, activities are therefore being carried out to

  • promoting basic education and vocational training;
  • launch income-generating activities involving young people and women in conditions of marginality;
  • prevention of juvenile deviance, also with interventions within the penitentiary facilities for minors of Daloa and Bouake.



ONG Progres Universel - Djébonoua - Ivory Coast

Association Notre Dame des Source - Bouaké - Ivory Coast

Commune de Mairie De Djebonoua - Ivory Coast

Centro di Volontariato Internazionale - CeVI - Italia

Associazione di Solidarietà Internazionale Jobel Onlus - Italia


Cambiando de Lente

Co-funded by

Lead partner

Cambiando de Lente: participatory local models of justice and prevention of juvenile delinquency/violence with a restorative approach in Bolivia.

The “Cambiando de Lente” project aims to ensure continuity to the activities promoted by the Italian Cooperation in Bolivia in the framework of an agreement signed between the Ministry of Health, the Autonomous Municipal Government of Cochabamba and AICS, aimed at building a model for the care, treatment and rehabilitation of people with problems related to alcohol and drug consumption in the city of Cochabamba.

As part of this common effort, a Center for Integral Attention for the Family (CAIF) was built, inaugurated and launched, a space that offers prevention, psychological and social diagnosis services, as well as outpatient treatment for people, especially minors, with problems with the consumption of licit and illicit substances.

Gender and intra-family violence, closely linked to these phenomena, represent a real national emergency to which this project intends to respond by promoting an integrated program of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention with particular reference to the use and abuse of alcohol and other psychoactive substances (drugs, tranquilizers, stimulants, inhalants) and related violent manifestations.

Prevention on these issues is of fundamental importance if we take into account that crimes of a sexual nature are the second in terms of incidence, after theft, in the juvenile group and the third offense in the adult group of the country.

The project aims, in particular, to support and strengthen territorial services and policies on integral prevention (primary, secondary, tertiary), promoting dynamics of interinstitutional coordination, capacity building and governance, starting from pilot local experiments of collaboration between local authorities and civil society.

Without replacing the territorial assistance services, this initiative builds around them and the organized civil society present in the territory, a capacity building program focused on strengthening the technical skills  of the operators and managers of these institutions and their networking and coordination, with the aim  of improving the quality of services and increasing the type of offer.

The direct target groups are therefore the technical operators of the departmental and municipal social services, the security operators of the penitentiary institutions for minors, the police officers operating on the territory of the South District 16 of Cochabamba, the operators of the legal attention centers (SLIMs), of the territorial offices of the Defensoría de la Niñez y Adolescencia and the organized civil society that intervenes at the level of the territory in the field of child protection.

The experience of territorial collaboration in the network that the Municipality of Cuneo can boast constitutes an important added value that will be appropriately enhanced through dynamics of technical consultancy, accompaniment, exchange.


Ufficio locale di Esecuzione Penale Esterna (UEPE) di Cuneo - Italia

ProgettoMondo Bolivia

CVCS Bolivia


Emprendiendo para ser libres

Co-funded by

Lead partner

Emprendiendo para ser libres: Technical labor training of persons deprived of liberty for social and family reintegration.

The project “Emprendiendo para ser libres” aims to support the family, social and work reintegration of women deprived of liberty (especially young women) of the Centro de Orientación Femenino of Obrajes and young people (18 to 28 years old) detained in the Centro de Reinserción Social para jóvenes of Qalauma.

Persons deprived of liberty need a type of attention that supports their path of social reintegration, during the period of detention and in the period after the exit. To this end, in Bolivia the Administrative Resolution NRO. 095/2018 approved the post-penitentiary attention protocol, developed with the support of CVCS, which establishes a series of responsibilities for the authorities of the penal system, including the duty to involve the PPL, starting from the period of stay in the Penitentiary Centers, in paths articulated on 5 strands: 1. Family reintegration; 2. Strengthening health; 3. Psychosocial strengthening; 4. Job placement; 5. Educational insertion.

The people deprived of liberty present in the Center come from the poorest contexts, especially from the suburbs of the cities of El Alto and La Paz. Many of these people have stopped studying or working. In the process of reintegrating a person previously deprived of liberty, society is one of the key actors; It is therefore important to work on the preconceptions and negative judgments of society. Restorative justice, which animates this project, shows that people are recoverable and can become fully protagonists in their family and social contexts.

In order to contribute to social, family and work reintegration, the activities envisaged in the area of deprivation of liberty are:

  • Training on conflict prevention and resolution, responsibility, maternity and parenting orientation: these topics have been identified taking into account the relevance of the family in the reintegration process.
  • Auxiliary technical training in bakery, pastry, cooking, leather goods, metalworking, carpentry, crafts, sewing, screen printing and sublimation: giving continuity to the training started in the first phase, technical training will be carried out to strengthen professional skills. Workshops on innovative and ecological production will be conducted, with the aim of encouraging greater creativity in production and diversity in the offer. Finally, technical training is complemented by training on entrepreneurship: the labour market is constantly evolving and people deprived of liberty must acquire the skills to promote themselves, including through the creation of their own productive enterprise.

In the period following release to freedom, the following are envisaged:

  • Post-penitentiary orientation and accompaniment in the family and work environment: once released again, persons deprived of liberty are accompanied by social workers and educators in their reintegration process. With families, a restorative approach is developed that promotes the empowerment of the family and the participation of all its members. In the field of employment, they are given guidance so that they can look for a job according to their abilities. In addition, start-up capital and technical guidance are supported for individual and collective productive enterprises of people released from prison.

Shelter Houses: in cases where there is no home or family to return to or return to could represent a risk factor for recidivism, former persons deprived of liberty are housed in the Kantuta and Terpura Houses, two transitional places, where housing, food support and job orientation are provided. These two reception centers are also equipped with production laboratories that allow you to gain work and cooperative experience, even profitable, during the first months of freedom.


Fundación Munasim Kullakita - Bolivia

CVCS Bolivia



ONES 2 - Odiare Non è uno sport 2

Co-funded by

Lead partner

The project Odiare non è un sport 2 intends to develop the actions of the  previous one and contribute to countering online hate speech linked to the sports sector, maintaining the centrality of educational activities to promote the resilience of young people towards the phenomenon.

The project is carried out  in 7 Italian regions (FVG, Veneto, Lombardy, Piedmont, Emilia-Romagna, Lazio, Sicily) to keep the focus on online hate speech as a changing and insidious phenomenon and encourage the participation of schools and the amateur sports sector in educating young people to recognize and contrast it.

The project includes preliminary research activities on  attitudes and behaviors of young people in virtual relationships containing hate speech  with the involvement of the University of Trieste – Department of Life Sciences and investigation on the trends assumed by the phenomenon in the main social networks and newspapers in collaboration with the University of Turin – Department of Cultures,  politics and society.

The results of these activities will support the development of a software by ISF – Informatici senza frontiere, able to intercept conversations containing hostile and discriminatory tones and propose dissuasive responses, which will be a fundamental tool for experiments and simulations in subsequent prevention and contrast education activities.

These first phases will therefore guide the implementation of training activities for teachers, coaches and other personnel involved in sport, promoted by the CSOs ADP, ASPEm, CELIM, Comi, COPE, LVIA, ProgettoMondo in collaboration with ISF and the sports promotion bodies CSI and LIBERTAS, so that a solid educational presence is created around young people able to favor dynamics of opposition to hate speech.

The same partners will be involved  in the implementation of educational activities in schools and amateur sports groups, aimed at developing transversal digital skills in students and young sportsmen, linked to sociability and the exercise of citizenship, having hate speech directly related to the field of rights.

Young people will then be able to experience the skills learned, actively participating in  the alternative narrative web campaign coordinated by the  partner ImpactSkills, which will accompany the entire path of the project and will be enriched by the presence of testimonials identified among athletes and sportsmen loved by the target.

Finally, some of the young participants in educational courses carried out in classes and amateur sports groups, will be involved in the establishment of territorial teams of digital activism that will have the task of intercepting and countering hate speech related to sport, proposing reactions and dissuasive responses on social media.


Amici dei Popoli - ADP 

Associazione Solidarietà Paesi Emergenti - ASPEM

Centro Laici Italiani per le Missioni - CELIM

Cooperazione per il Mondo in via di Sviluppo - COMI

Cooperazione Paesi Emergenti - COPE

Centro Sportivo Italiano - CSI


Informatici Senza Frontiere - ISF

Centro Nazionale Sportivo Libertas

Associazione Internazionale Volontari Laici - LVIA


Università degli Studi di Torino - Dipartimento di Culture, politica, società

Università degli Studi di Trieste – Dipartimento Scienze della Vita


ORA - Organizza, Rifletti, Agisci

Co-funded by

Lead partner

The project ORA! Organizza, Rifletti, Agisci, intends to promote Climate Change Education (ECC) of young people aged 14-19 to encourage the rooting of environmental sensitivity in their value system and stimulate a change in their behavior in the direction of greater sustainability and civic mobilization in favor of initiatives to combat climate change, in 7 Italian provinces. The rooting of environmental sensitivity in the value system of children will lead them both to a change in individual preferences in the direction of greater sustainability, and to social responsibility and activism in favor of environmental protection. Youth activation struggles to create critical mass and to translate into true participation in the social and democratic life of the communities to which they belong.

The initiative is divided into two main axes:

• School education axis: the project promotes systemic thinking and the experiential approach in the curricular paths of ECC; In fact, these approaches promote value learning and skills that fall within the sphere of “knowing how to be”. CVCS will accompany local schools to develop educational paths in step with the times.

• Youth activation axis: thanks to the collaboration between school and territory, extra-curricular experiences are promoted. These experiences allow young people to strengthen the socio-emotional and attitudinal skills necessary to become Climate Change Makers, i.e. promoters of change within their communities, in the direction of greater climate sustainability. The action is conceived according to a glocal logic (global thinking, local action) and is therefore consistent with the thematic area “interconnectivity and global citizenship” envisaged in the global framework of the ECG contents developed by UNESCO.


CVCS - Centro Volontari Cooperazione allo Sviluppo

Amici dei Popoli - ADP

Comunità Impegno Servizio Volontariato - CISV

Comunità Promozione e Sviluppo – CPS

MLAL Trentino Onlus

Organismo Sardo Di Volontariato Internazionale Cristiano O.S.V.I.C

Società Cooperativa Sociale ADELANTE

La Piccionaia S.c.s.

System Dynamics Italian Chapter - SYDIC


Azioni concrete, Impronte leggere

Co-funded by

Lead partner

The project develops simultaneously in 7 Italian regions and includes a series of technical actors (Climate Network, Informatics Without Borders and Impact Skills), able to provide the missing knowledge and tools to young students, to allow an understanding with scientific evidence which are the aspects of daily life that can change to effectively contribute to the process of ecological transition.

The specific objective is to improve young people’s knowledge of the anthropic impact on the environment and encourage their involvement, starting from school contexts, in ecological transition paths coordinated between Schools, Public Institutions, Third Sector and Civil Society.

The project develops educational and gamification paths to train middle and high school students, as well as teachers and educators, in the issues of environmental sustainability and transition. During the 2 years of the project, global citizenship education and sustainable development education will be integrated into the training curricula of the 24 target schools, in the training of 120 teachers and in the training and evaluation of 2,500 students.

Throughout the process, the CSOs will collaborate with schools and youth organizations active in the environmental field to carry out activities of territorial animation, information and awareness on sustainable development issues, informing and involving citizens.

At the same time, scientifically reliable technical tools will be developed to identify aspects and behaviors on which action can be taken to reduce the carbon footprint of schools, public bodies and the third sector and civil society, supporting them to adopt forms of environmental reporting. We want to encourage design thinking processes to define viable and effective transition paths for each of the 6 territories in which the project operates.


CVCS - Centro Volontari Cooperazione allo Sviluppo

Rete Clima


LVIA - Associazione internazionali volontari laici ONG

Amici dei Popoli ONG

Co.P.E. – Cooperazione Paesi Emergenti ONG


Informatici senza frontiere - ISF


TUAS - Tutta Un'Altra Storia

Co-funded by

Lead partner

CVCS as a member of FOCSIV, together with 11 other organizations, contributes to the action of the project “TUAS – Tutta Un’Altra Storia” (A Whole different story). This project aims to contribute to overcoming divisive narratives on the theme of migration, promoting the protagonism of young people and educating communities, represented by teachers, universities, associations, diaspora networks and local authorities that offer opportunities for civic engagement to the new generations in 16 territories of northern, central and southern Italy.

The project strategy is based on the promotion of Global Citizenship Education, in continuity with the many years of experience in the field of the partners involved, and on the innovative approach of the Narrative change kit, a practical tool to reformulate the debate on the narrative of migration developed by the German organization ICPA – International Centre for Policy Advocacy and made available in Italian as part of the Never Alone initiative,  for a possible tomorrow.

This approach aims to open a dialogue and involve that part of the population not particularly aligned or interested in the topic, defined as a fluid center, equivalent to 48% of the population, which can, if properly involved, become a “political and cultural balance” and generate a change in the perception and political management of migration issues.



Progetto domani: cultura e solidarietà (PRO.DO.C.S.)

Compagnia di San Paolo

Helpcode Italia

Coordinamento Nazionale Nuove Generazioni Italiane (CONNGI)

Coordinamento delle diaspore in cooperazione internazionale (CODIASCO)

Libera Università Maria SS. Assunte (LUMSA)

Università degli Studi di Torino (UNITO)


ONES - Odiare Non è uno Sport

Co-funded by

Lead partner

Hate is not a sport – Educational paths to prevent and combat racial hate speech in sport

The project was co-funded by AICS and was promoted by CVCS with 13 other Italian partners. It aimed to prevent and combat hate speech circulating online, particularly racially motivated and sports-related hate speech. It included a series of related activities: monitoring of the phenomenon; experimentation of a chatbot able to react to hate speech identified in the main anonymous social networks used by young people; production of material for counter-narration as a preventive and contrasting tool; educational activity for young people and the educating community; multimedia campaign with sports personalities and the contribution of youth activism.

The project ended in 2021.


Semi di Giustizia

Co-funded by

Lead partner

The idea behind the project is to promote the development of volunteering and active citizenship, youth in particular, through the ECG (global citizenship education) approach which, in line with UNESCO, represents “an inclusive and global education, functional to the achievement of all 17 objectives of the 2030 Agenda”.

The proposed activities, including the “Semi di giustizia” (Seeds of Justice) winter school, involve the collaboration of public and private entities (Third Sector Associations, Local Authorities, Universities), in a training and voluntary course to promote synergies with a view to co-designing policies on current issues of greater importance: environment, migration, digitalization.


CVCS collabora con altri soggetti operanti sul territorio per la realizzazione di eventi ed iniziative a carattere interculturale con l’obiettivo di promuovere la cultura della pace e dell’accoglienza.

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